One button does all Joanfrances operates a non-refundable deposit appointment system of £50 This Payment button is to make life easy for you and confirm your appointment by deposit balances must be paid prior to your appointment. Readings or Therapies or Consultation. Please see the bottom page for full details x thanks for your interest Joanfrances Boyle
All Therapies can be conducted in person at Hamilton or Online via Zoom:
- 1) Past Life Energetic Therapy has a window appointment time of one hour and covers all 4 stages. See web page for further info. Cost £155 or £200 for 1.5hrs
- 2) Colour Life Palette Consultations is bookable in 1 hr slots at the cost of £90 per hour with a minimum of 2 hr session recommend but 3 hours is highly recommended for full investigation, analysis and colour infusion and Energy Transmission call Joanfrances to arrange your needs.
- 3) Intuitive Life Coaching is bookable in 1 hr slots at the cost of £90 per hour with a minimum of 2 hr session recommended with a Special £240 for 3hrs if booked and paid in advance.
- 4) 4 Reiki known as the Usui, Amaran, Karuna and Dimensional Healing Systems and Healing Intuitively Therapy and Chakra Balancing which are all Healing Therapies cost £60 Per-session If you wish you can book extra time at the cost of £15 per 15 mins
- 5) All other Therapies contact Joanfrances
Services per person on Location or if you live too far away for me to travel it can be set up with my Online via Zoom system (face to face).
Psychic Property Survey this cost depends on the size of your Business or Home. By Remote reduces the cost considerably but photos must be supplied.
Readings Cost and Timings World Wide by Zoom Online:
- 1 1) Spirit Communication or Past Present Future or Life Purpose or Spirit Guide Communication or Core Colour Personality Readings. 1 hour for £75.
- 2) 2) Past Life Surrogacy Retrieval Reading with Analysis £155 for one hour £200 for 1.5 hour
- 3) 3) Business Projection Consultations is bookable in 1 hr slots at the cost of £75 per hour.
- 4) 4) Chakra Graph with Analysis 1 hr for £95. Plus Postage cost.
6) Psychic House Parties 25mins for £50 per person on Location within 30 miles round trip if over add £3 p.p. or if you live too far away for me to travel it can be set up with my Online via Zoom system (face to face with total privacy).
*** Please Note: If you have already got an appointment time with Joanfrances the use this Deposit / Payment Button to confirm your appointment date and time here by clicking this go to cart button. Be sure to confirm in the comment box your appointment time and date. Or pay over the phone (by credit card charges may apply) contact Joanfrances Boyle, The Scottish Seer on Telephone: +44(0)7832251798 or +44(0)1698331008.
If you don’t have an appointment time and date yet. You can pay here the deposit and comment in the comment box which type of session you are looking for. Also, please tell me which time zone you are in and the difference of hours to the UK. I can then work out best session timing to suit your needs.
Please Note *** Only use this payment system if you are sure you wish to book an appointment time as if you do not have an appointment time already arranged there may be a refund charge deducted if you change your mind x Balance to be paid at the start of consultation.
Thanks for your interest …… Love Joanfrances
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