Energetic Tool Kit® Bus Ride To Heaven Meditation


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This is a comfortable and inspiring meditation that will leave a beautiful lasting impression on you. Enter the ‘World of Visual Imagery’© on a bus ride with a difference.This bus has a special connection to Heaven (Spirit Realm). This extraordinary journey allows you the time and space to connect with your Loved Ones, Pets, Guardian Angels, Guides and Higher Mentors of the Spirit Realm.

In this safe and relaxing Meditative environment you can say all the things that you would like to say to your loved ones.Seek guidance of the Spiritual Teachers, ask questions and listen for the answers, direction or learning given from the heavenly realm.

‘Bus Ride To Heaven’ Meditation contains a combination of Chakra Development Exercise, Energetic Grounding, Colour Healing Guided Meditation, Spirit Connection and finally, an Aura Protection Exercise.

Created by Joanfrances BoyleBus ride To Heaven Meditation is part of the “Energetic Tool Kit® Series 1


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